TXT SLI programming
Embedded CivetWeb The CivetWeb as SLI . Starting with MQTT MQTT on the TXT
Software engineer/Teacher. Electronic engineer. C#, C++/C, XML-Technology, SQL, CivetWeb, MQTT, RaspberryPi Like to work with fischertechnik models and TXT-controller.
Embedded CivetWeb The CivetWeb as SLI . Starting with MQTT MQTT on the TXT
Overview of my activities to modernize some of the fischertechnik TXT interface software.
Local, remote and SLI.
Een korte beschrijven van het soort werk ik ambieer. Van software engineer tot onderwijs ontwikkelaar. Mijn CV is op verzoek beschikbaar.
About a simple experiment with MQTT basic commands.
My notes during my work with the CivetWeb server on the fischertechnik TXT-controller